Embera Quera Cultural School

Embera Quera Cultural School

What is this project about?

This will be a facility dedicated to teaching the Emberá language and culture. It will consist of two floors, one on the ground floor, administrative, and another on the upper floor, as a teaching room and panoramic viewpoint of the village.

The administrative part will be the headquarters of the Traditional Government: the office of the Nokó and its Board of Directors, for its meetings, to store its files and other memories. This body has the responsibility of implementing the Organic Charter of Emberá Querá, of ensuring the conservation of the culture, promoting good relations between residents, mediating between residents, and exercising authority as a police force if necessary. Due to its functions it must be in the School of Culture.

The teaching of the Emberá language and culture will be carried out by two or three families, as required. It will be taught by Emberá who master a foreign language, and will be able to teach Spanish and Emberá. Those interested will live with one of those families to practice the Emberá of survival, of daily life. In addition to mastering the uses and customs of our ethnic group. The most advanced classes would be taught in the School of Culture classroom.

Those interested will spend a minimum of 15 days in the village, in order to learn the rudiments of the language and culture; In addition, they will participate in the normal activities of the family that hosts them: planting, harvesting, fishing, games, tours to the forest, adventures and others, so that they permanently practice the expressions of the ethnic group. This guarantees an acceptable command of our language and culture and can function more easily in any Emberá village.

También se ofrecerá un curso básico de una semana para funcionarios públicos y funcionarios de organismos internacionales que tengan que ir a trabajar en la Comarca Emberá Wounaan.


Invest in Our Culture

This project has an estimated cost of B/.18,000.00 eighteen thousand Balboas, and the sponsoring company will place a plaque for five years. You will also be present at the Opening Ceremony for the respective recognition, and a company employee will have the right to take the one-week course with us for free.