We are a community with much to offer the world.
For cultural and traditional support, the community is organized by an autonomous local government as an indigenous hierarchical structure with its own internal laws, which ensures social well-being and healthy peaceful coexistence among the community members, led by the Noko and its board. directive.
El Noko: In the Embera language it means “Leader”, he is the highest figure in an Embera indigenous community, he is the one who ensures the social, economic well-being and order in the territory of his jurisdiction in the company of his board of directors who support his work and account. with a second Noko who acts during his temporary absences.
Who can vote? Everything will depend on the election commission and the plenary approval at that time. Men and women and children can vote, children 13 or 15 years old and older can vote.
Methodology: Within the Embera world, the selection of the nokoras is democratic where men and women can apply. The dynamic is very simple: In the communal or traditional house, a local general assembly is called to elect its leader and the plenary proposes the candidates, according to the requirements and profiles of the election commission for a period of 3 or 5 years.
The candidates present themselves to the plenary session and explain why they want to be noko, then the candidates stand up in the center of the cultural house and the members of the voting plenary stand behind the candidate of their preference and the election commission does the counting and the The one with the highest number of votes is 1st. Noko and The Second who obtained the most votes is consecrated as 2nd. Noko.
Metodología: Dentro del mundo Embera, la escogencia de los nokoras, es de manera democrática donde pueden postularse , hombres y mujeres. La dinámica es muy simple: En la casa comunal o tradicional, se convoca a una asamblea general local para elegir a su líder y el pleno proponen los candidatos, de acuerdo a los requisitos y perfiles de la comisión de elección por un periodo de 3 o 5 años.
Los candidatos se presentan al pleno y sustentan el porqué desea ser noko, luego los candidatos se levantan en el centro de la casa cultural y los miembros del pleno votantes se ponen detrás del candidato de su preferencia y la comisión de elección hace el conteo y el que resulte con mayor cantidad de votos es el 1er. Noko y El Segundo que obtuvo mayor voto se consagra como 2do. Noko.