It is about the construction of a complete traditional kitchen, with traditional components, which are already being lost. The idea is that visitors can appreciate how the Emberá centuries ago solved their need for food, and how they shared it with visitors.
It is a hut on stilts, with all the essential components for the preparation and service of food:
The stove integrated on a bed of earth, with its logs, a wooden grill for smoking and drying meats, poultry and fish, and all the kitchen and service utensils: pans, pots, totumas, plates, pans, rockers, wooden tongs for roasts, and the pantry or traditional furniture to store groceries, belongings, dishes, and others.
The barbecues, old canoes located on the banks of the hut, in which spices and plants for tea are planted: cilantro, oreganón, chili peppers, yerbabuena, lemongrass, lemon balm, lime, paico, mastranto and others. Everything is organized like a consumer garden.
Dining room. Traditional chairs for serving diners, as a social area, in the center of which is a table with food, fruits, glasses, jugs of soft drinks or chichas, which complements the food. In one corner is the waste bin, and at the entrance is the container with lemon leaf water for washing hands.
The balcony. Made with intertwined trunks, rods and vines, to give the installation greater attractiveness.
The welcome or gift to the visitor. Hanging from the ceiling is a bunch of bananas (patriot, apple, primitive or other), or on the table a tray with seasonal fruit (guabita de monte or yellow, mangoes, sapote or Emberá magician, avocado, mamey, oranges, pineapple , pieces of sugar cane, cashews, mamones, Curaçao cashews, wild passion fruit, or other seasonal fruits, either for tasting or as a dessert after the meal.
The wide access staircase, with handrails.
The other implements. Under the hut are located the pilón and the hand for pillaring rice or corn, the pounding stone and its large, thick pan, the motets for loading vegetables, the tulas for preserving sugar cane juice or honey, the grinding machine with his little table and pan, and other belongings. On one side will be the traditional sugar mill.
Este proyecto tiene un costo estimado en B/.23,000.00 – veintitrés mil Balboas, y la empresa tiene derecho a colocar una placa con su nombre, por un periodo no menor de cinco años. También será invitada al Acto de Inauguración del Proyecto, con entrega de un certificado de Reconocimiento.
This project has an estimated cost of B/.18,000.00 eighteen thousand Balboas, and the sponsoring company will place a plaque for five years. You will also be present at the Opening Ceremony for the respective recognition, and a company employee will have the right to take the one-week course with us for free.